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WebJournal - The blog will set you free News of no interest whatsoever except to very close and patient friends and family members and maybe people with no life |
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![]() Thursday, September 29, 2005 So not with it Our chosen restaurant has been closed for two weeks or two years, I am not sure. So pathetic. So we went to Ideya instead. Great mojiito, great caipirinha. Delicious flan. The food was not bad either. And I ordered the dessert wine too. Vivian and I had a great time, good girlie sort of time, talking and laughing our asses off. It was almost all about guys, ex guys, current guys, future guys. By the way, Don called. He will be here in a couple of weeks. That should be fun. The man knows how to have a good time. 11:27 PM 0 comments They are always filming something in this town. Part of the crew is having dinner, part is filming a flick. Soho, at around 10 PM. 10:09 PM 0 comments Out to meet Vivian. 7:27 PM 0 comments Bragging I just chatted with my niece Jimena. Her sister, Valentina, will appear as an extra in a Milos Forman movie. She has a horse jumping scene. She is filming it as we speak. OK, so maybe she will not get an Oscar for this, but you got to start somewhere, don't you? 12:22 PM 0 comments A new trend? Tuesday night a new colleague invited me over for dinner. Only there was no dinner. There were 5 of us and 4 slices of pizza. I stuck to a liquid diet and drank the bottle of wine I had provided. I am still speechless. Thankfully, there are other social meals to be had. Breakfast today, not counting the Red Bull I drank on my way to work, was a merry affair at the cafeteria, with the usual suspects. The topic? The Office, a brilliant sitcom we are all getting addicted to. I watched an episode from the British version and a couple from the American version. I liked them both, but the British one is funnier, in a very dark sort of way. Lunch today will be with Pascale. Dinner with Vivian over at Isla. Plans So far it's a movie with Melissa tomorrow. A Stila "red carpet event" on Saturday (basically, a make-up sales pitch). Something on Sunday for brunch, to greet a friend/colleague arriving in town. And then Sunday afternoon it's the hunk grand entrance. My girlfriends are already standing in line. I am also half planning a quick trip to Cancun. 11:14 AM 0 comments Tuesday, September 27, 2005 0 comments Monday, September 26, 2005 No sense of measure As usual, I made enough empanadas for an army.
0 comments Pre-empanadas snacks. Crab meat and extremely high fiber content crackers. See, I care about you colonic health. 6:35 PM 0 comments An agonizingly slow weekend Mostly work and taking care of a very devasted friend with a broken heart. Oh, and I also watched an amazing movie that I somehow missed when it played in the theaters. Well into the wee hours I was still making changes to a text that was due this morning. God knows how, but I was up and very much alive early this morning, at the gym with Annie at 7 AM. And now, after a quite productive work day, I am feeling a little restless. I am in the mood for cooking and have just invited Pamen, Francia and Chema over to try my hand at empanadas. Hopefully, they will be alive tomorrow. 4:50 PM 0 comments Saturday, September 24, 2005 Closet space Throwing out old stuff. Making room for new stuff. 11:37 PM 0 comments A perfect day for a wedding On our way back from the hairstylist and my new post-chemo look, Pam and I passed a wedding party leaving a church. The bride was very very cute, so was the groom. Young and happy. Broad smiles on their faces. For a moment I was tempted to shout out "Enjoy the day! It's all downhill from now on!' but it would have been a stupid posed blase attitude. I do not feel that way at all. Actually, I feel like I'm 15 again. I still believe in the whole hoopla wholeheartedly. 5:48 PM 0 comments NY baby Jonathan's son is around one year old. He has an activist/writer for a dad and an Indian studies college professor for a mom. He also has a Tibetan nanny and is being taught sign language so he can communicate before he learns to talk. The kid is on his way to a very cool life. Shopping mood I got part of my order from La Redoute yesterday. So far, I like everything. But now I absolutely have to hop over to DSW for a pair of boots. Saturday! I am peeping out of my window from my bed. It looks like a perfect sunny day and I have a gazillion things to do. 9:50 AM 0 comments Thursday, September 22, 2005 Non-blogging mood I have yet to recover from my second day at the gym at 6 AM, after just 4 hours of sleep. Tuesday night I resumed my baby-sitting duties with Cecilia's kids and watched Harry Potter III with both of them stretched out on top of me. I thought I would sleep after that, but not really. Yesterday I took home some work but then went for a manicure/pedicure and a short back massage (I was so stiff I could hardly move my head), shopped for food and basics, made dinner and waited for Pam, who is in town for a few days. At 1 AM I was on the computer, installing Windowx XP on my emulator. Today is going to be a long long day. I already downed a Red Bull. It will not be my last. 10:14 AM 0 comments Tuesday, September 20, 2005 A girlie afternoon Yesterday I was on the phone with Cecilia when the line went down. She showed up at my desk saying her phone had died. Mine had died too. So had my other colleague's I said it was strange and that maybe we should all leave. I was joking, of course, but a few minutes later I heard Chema in the hall saying everybody was leaving and that we should just go. It was, by all accounts, a self-evacuation. Nobody actually gave the order but hundreds of us took to the stairs. Some of us met at was is supposed to be our meeting point but most people just went home. A bunch of us had lunch at a nearby Indian buffet while placing call back and forth to other colleagues, trying to find out what was going on. A couple went into the building again and walked up to their offices only to be evacuated again, this time officially. And that was it. The rest of the afternoon was spent at Sephora getting Pamen made up and then at Bloomingdale's, buying an outrageously expensive and probably useless wrinkle cream. For dinner I went out with Nicolas and although I fell asleep close to 1 AM this morning I was awake by 5 and at the gym by 6. Now, if I could only get in the shower and go check if the power is back at work ... 7:48 AM 0 comments Monday, September 19, 2005 Evacuated! 2:55 PM0 comments Undoing the damage I was at the gym today at 6 AM. When I came back the doorman greeted me with an applause. 7:28 AM 0 comments Sunday, September 18, 2005 Lovely Sunday Melissa wanted to have vegetarian dim sum today. I acquiesced. Unfortunately the place was full so we had to share a table. We got one nice guy and two skinny, pasty white chicks with absolutely no energy and repulsive claw-like fingers that spent all lunch talking about diseases and whether it was wise or not to eat wild fish. Why, for the love of God, can't vegetarians be regular people? Is it really necessary to spend all your life monitoring your health? One got into all the details of her latest dentist appointment and her concern with mercury poisoning. Her dentist was dismissing her concerns but she had insisted. What a couple of pains in the frigging ass! The situation got considerably better after lunch, when we walked though the San Gennaro feast and I right into Mark Consuelos and family. I think I saw other celebrities - the redhead from Sex and the City and the blonde guy from Queer eyes for the straight guy - but I am not a 100% sure. After leaving Melissa at home I went over to Oscar's for the exhibit. I can't bring myself to say anything about the art now. Plenty will be said soon. In any case there was music, as usual, and I was out of there in no time, as usual. Pamen, Fabian and I had a few drinks over at the corner, then Fabian left, we stayed, and eventually worked our way back to the salon and a very interesting conversation with a guy who worked as crew for the movie "The Intepreter". It's back home now. I am legally drunk, too tired to upload the pictures from today and yesterday (dinner at Ana's) and, frankly, too sad to even try. 11:02 PM 0 comments Second mojito and counting 7:17 PM0 comments Party at Oscar's 4:37 PM0 comments Saturday, September 17, 2005 It was about time ![]() The King has finally met Nicolas. 10:34 AM 0 comments Friday, September 16, 2005 ![]() Monica woke me up with a phone call from Rome yesterday. Her ex-husband has married again. I have no idea who the bride is but after reading around a bit, she sounds like a typical second wife. And a short-time one too. We, the old gals, had a good laugh about it. The other news is that Monica will indeed be coming to NY for New Year's Eve with Raoul and their two children. Which means I'll be on my own for Christmas. Gotta plan something. Windows on a Mac After the whole virus experience on M.A.'s laptop, I think I will stick to Macs. Problem is there are a couple of PC-only programs I really need. So I just downloaded iEmulator, a much cheaper solution than Virtual PC. I know need a Windows CD to install. 8:49 AM 1 comments Wednesday, September 14, 2005 1 comments 0 comments All good things come to an end M.A. is gone. Shit. The weekend was low key. Saturday night we cancelled dinner with Cecilia and Silvio and just stayed home trying to watch a movie. After two lousy pay-per-views that we cut off after a few minutes (one being The Upside of Anger, which we both found absolutely boring, and the other some Spanish flick that he remembered having seen and being awful) we ended up watching Big on a regular channel. Sunday we got to CompUSA as soon as it opened to return a USB wi-fi adapter and buy a new one. His laptop had been acting weird but we had yet no idea of what was awaiting us. After CompUSA we had lunch in Chelsea with Nicolas and two of his friends before coming home and, after a lot of looking around on the Internet, we found our his laptop had been contaminated with a virus. Actually, a nasty worm that freaked him out. After having spent quite some time installing reference material and software on his notebook I was freaking out myself. The rest of the day was spent battling the trojans while he cooked. In the evening we agreed to watch again the absolutely delightful Finding Nemo and then had a nice long mellow chat all through a bottle of red wine. Yesterday I had a meeting in the morning but afterwards I took the afternoon off so we could go check out notebooks, just in case. Eventually, after installing Norton's antivirus and the latest update, we managed to get rid of the worm. Today I took the whole day off and we went to the Riverside Park for a stroll, before heading to Lalo's for lunch. Given that their beer was warm, they did not have peach for my Bellini and we had just been to Zabar's for some great cheese and pasta shopping, we stood up as soon as I finished my lemonade and took a cab home. Now he is at airport and his flight has been delayed. I just text messaged him and I am ready to try and get some sleep. Tomorrow I have to report to work at 6.30 AM for some protocol duties I've been "volunteered" to. It's going to be a long day welcoming presidents, kings and queens and the likes. Well, personally, I will only be welcoming ministers and their wives, a lot less glamorous task. It should be fun anyways and, best of all, it should keep me busy. Hopefully I will be very tired in the evening. I might go get a massage. 1:30 AM 0 comments Tuesday, September 13, 2005 0 comments Monday, September 12, 2005 Yummy! 6:22 PM0 comments Sunday, September 11, 2005 0 comments Saturday, September 10, 2005 Direct approach I've signed up to offer a bed in my apartment to an evacuee (preferably a child without a guardian). Though my place might not be first choice, given the distance between NYC and the South East States and the crappy size of a Manhattan apartment, I just can't keep watching the news and not do something about the situation. Sending money is not an option. After finding out what happened to the money we all donated after September 11th and how organizations in general handle donations, I'd rather skip the middlemen. As an aside comment:a prayer day????? What the fukc? Instead of doing his job he is offering prayers? I used to think this man was simply an idiot, now I am convinced he is one dangerous full-of-himself son of a bitch. 6:33 PM 0 comments After a long day at work and a few beers at home, Gema, Javier, M.A. and I went out for dinner at Public, an overpriced kinda place with tiny little servings and "beautiful people" all around. The experience was less than marvelous. We were told there was a 25 minutes wait but it ended up being more like an hour and a half. The service pretty much sucked. The food was fine but not worth the wait nor the price. Eventually the best part of the "dining experience", aside from the limoncello kind of wine, was one of our waiters. He commented on M.A.'s credit card and when I asked (I always ask, I just can't help it) he said he was the son of a U.N. translator and former chief of ORES. Now he teaches at the Little Red Schoolhouse and moonlights as a waiter at Public. I just felt like hugging him. He was most probably queer, but there is something about men who are good with kids that is just so damn sexy to me. After dinner we cabbied our way up to a bar on 53th St. The music was good and I went straight to the dance floor where I was picked up by a very intense Indian looking guy. We danced and it was fun. Then he started grabbing my tits and it was not fun anymore. It took a little work to get him off me but here I am now, happily by myself. Sorry, I meant happily without him, which is not exactly as happily by myself. Tomorrow it's lunch with Javier and Gema before they leave and then dinner with Cecilia and Silvio. After dinner we will probably see Fabian. And then it will be Sunday. And after that it will be Monday. And then Tuesday. And then the depths of despondency. 2:57 AM 0 comments Thursday, September 08, 2005 Coping mechanism Tomorrow is M.A.'s last day at the office. He will probably have to leave his apartment either tomorrow or Saturday, so he will be staying with me for a couple of days before disappearing into thin air or, more specifically, an airplane. Poor me is bracing herself for some big time despair. After having considered different means of committing suicide and having discarded them all as soon as images of my aging sagging body being discovered covered in puke or worse flashed into my mind, I have come to the realization that I need to keep busy in order not to start missing him like hell (which I will anyways - who am I kidding?). Very busy. Maniacally busy. My life post-M.A. and post summer fun and trips will be activity packed: Annie is ready to join me at the gym at 6 AM again, Pascale offered diet-friendly drinks over at her house (low-cal rum and Splenda sweetened), I will go back to dance classes and Marc and I will resume our therapeutic dance nights out. I'll play with polymer clay again. I will get a couple of websites going. I'll babysit Cecilia's kids. I'll watch dozen of movies with Melissa. I'll finish redecorating my home. I'll redo my home automation system and add web access. To keep me company I can always count on Pam's frequent visits. I also got an e-mail from Matias Beck, Katja's model friend and former Mr. Argentina. He might be coming for two weeks around Sept. 20th. And then, shortly after he is gone, it will be Don's turn at the Fernandez bed and breakfast. Come to think of it, the mourning process shouldn't be too bad. And now excuse me, but I need to go stock up on tissues. 11:33 PM 0 comments Wednesday, September 07, 2005 1 comments 0 comments
0 comments Tuesday, September 06, 2005 A little pampering back in the city 2:32 PM0 comments Monday, September 05, 2005 On our way 2 lunch 2:19 PM0 comments 0 comments Saturday, September 03, 2005 0 comments Friday, September 02, 2005 Waiting to board 5:49 PM0 comments Packing phobia ... again So I am back from dinner at Ruby Foo's. I should pack. I also should get to the office early. Maybe I should sleep. Problem is it's 1.30 AM already ... 1:23 AM 0 comments |
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