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WebJournal - The blog will set you free News of no interest whatsoever except to very close and patient friends and family members and maybe people with no life |
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![]() Friday, October 22, 2004 Yes! Oh, yes! Oh, yes! Oh,yes! It would be perfect! 1:30 AM 4 comments Wednesday, October 20, 2004 Nothing to report Except that I am changing my haircolor, toning down the summer blonde streaks for the winter. As soon as I am done with the hair I'll go get my iBook back. And tomorrow I'll get some photos developed on a CD and upload them. Truly fascinating. Blogger is having problems republishing my whole blog and I am having problems with the show archives code. This too shall pass. 9:52 AM 2 comments Sunday, October 17, 2004 Wake up, please! Saturday I went to meet my new trainer and was done with the workout in less than 20 minutes. It was good but I think I can work a little harder. On my way home I got into Barnes & Noble, went crazy with craft magazines and books and ended up missing Derek's class. On the positive side, I have now started to prepare the tags for my X-mas presents. In the evening Pamen had invited me over to her place with Nicolas, Pilar, Chema and Carmen. It was pleasant enough but very subdued. She's a lovely person and so are the rest but I can only handle so much lethargy. It’s not like I have to be dancing like a maniac every night, although that would be nice, it's that if it's not going to be sex, drugs and rock'n roll, then I want it to be a meaningful conversation. I love a lively exchange of views, a debate, even a confrontation. I enjoy picking people's minds and learning about their lives. On the other hand I tire very easily of unconsequential small talk. I also hate shop talk. After several blotched attempts at starting something we ended up playing a round of Cranium but the level of energy was nowehere near what it was the first time around. When we left, I walked a few blocks uptown with Nicolas and yearned to go into any of the bars we were passing by. The music was blasting, people were spilling over the sidewalk and I was just brokenhearted. Friday Joe called from North Carolina. He said something about a cartoon or a doll that he has kept for years because it reminded him of me. It was his "little Rosario". It floored me. He is sending it to me so I should receive it shortly. I'll probably be horrified at what reminds him of me. Later on M.A. called from Madrid. It was a nice long conversation. I think we've come to an agreement: I'll write, he'll call. And then on Saturday Annie called from North Carolina to see if I was available for dinner next Sunday. I am, of course. And Saturday I have a baby shower for Pascale. Vivienne will be there and I haven't seen her in a while. Hopefully I'll meet a bunch of nice girls. I spent all of today working. While on a short break I read un article on an Italian newspaper on line where the author mentioned a guy that might be somebody I went to school with and who is now living in NYC, teaching at Columbia University. I immediately wrote him an e-mail and now let's see how it goes! With a little luck I'll get my iBook back tomorrow! 10:10 PM 0 comments Tuesday, October 12, 2004 Loaded day Today it's 4 years since my father's death. It should also have been my 26th anniversary with JP. Too bad. 18 years later I met with Don yesterday. The man wiped out years of insecurities in one evening. And he thinks I helped him out. Curious to say the least. We had dinner and drinks at a Mexican place and when we walked in there was his grandmother. Now, this is not just any grandmother. This is a woman I've heard about since the very first time I met Don, a woman I've been compared to, too. Now that I know her I am incredibly flattered. She is 86 yeard old, driving around and having dinner with her friend of 40 years, she is incredibly attractive and I am not even going to qualify it with some “for her age” bullshit and she is also very friendly. But most of all she is incredibly feisty. When we got into the inevitable subject of politics she was so passionate about it she could have been 20 years old. They sat down with us for a good hour and a half until Don had to tell them we had a lot to catch up on and that they needed to leave. They left, we moved to the bar. I caught a late train back home. 1:13 PM 0 comments Monday, October 11, 2004 Total muscle failure - total VISA card collapse The consumistic monster inside of me should lay low for a while now. Saturday I met Adam at 9 AM, went through a consultation and a workout with him and a trainer in training. On the second machine my legs were shacking so badly the whole machine was rattling. Hilarious and embarrasing. I loved the guy. He's personable, fun, non judgmental and a great salesperson - I bought a 6 sessions package. Now lets hope it works as well for me as it did for other people. If intense pain is any indication, then I've found something really effective! After the workout I just had to go to Bare Escentuals and get some make-up. I might have to move out of my place just to accomodate my ever expanding make-up stock. From Bare Escentuals to Derek's class where, for a whole hour, I was unable to spend a dime. Lunch with Nicolas at the Amish Market and from there to Century 21. Two ponchos, a terry cloth, a sports bra and a cardigan later we went uptown to meet a friend of his for a couple of beers. When she went home the two of us headed to an East Japanese restaurant on the West Side for dinner. On our way home I had to stop at magazine shop on Broadway and buy a trash magazine from every country I ever set foot in. Woke up on Sunday wishing somebody could kick me out of bed. My muscles were so sore I could hardly move. I love it. At 4ish Fabian and Carlos, a friend of his, Pilar, Nicolas and I to go to the party/brunch/barbecue at Chelsea Piers. It was fun. A guy making asado on a platform on the river, with huge boats passing by, a view on NJ, a huge dancing floor. I met another friend of Fabian, Peter, an American guy who speaks French and has a great sense of humor. Marc, his brother and sister-in-law and Borja with a friend were there too, as was Pamen. I had a good time, eat, drank and danced a lot. I actually danced with such enthusiasm that I lost my top. Fortunately it was a top that was on top of another top and underneath the poncho, so I slipped it down and stepped out of it right then and there. From the party Pilar, Marc and his brother and sister-in-law and I went to Washington Street. First to a bikers/country joint were Pilar was repeatedly hurled abuse at for daring to ask for water or wine. The very ladylike bartender pointed out to her leather bra and made it quite clear she could get water at a nearby gas station. After a while the whole raw act got a little old and as soon as Marc's friend Kate arrived we left for munchies and drinks at Highline. My kiwi margaritas were not bad at all. In an hour or so I am taking the train to Stradford, Conn. to meet Don. The poor man has no idea what he is getting into. He'll regret wanting to see me. 2:40 PM 0 comments Friday, October 08, 2004 Different debate? I am listening to the spin and I think I might have watched an altogether different debate. I can't fanthom anybody saying Bush won. And I can't for my life understand all this crap about women liking him and his likeability in general. The man is repulsive. He looks like a beady eye monkey and has the physical language of a barroom thug. Ugh! I'd rather try and get some sleep as I will be meeting with my new trainer-to-be at 9 AM tomorrow. Hopefully his technique will be the miracle I am needing. Should you feel like peeping in, the lights will turn on at 6 AM (automated) though I don't think I'll get out of bed before 7.30 AM. 11:26 PM 0 comments TGIF Yesterday's happy hour extended until almost 10 PM. In attendance, by order of disappearance: Nicolas, Elena, Chema, Mario, Francia and Miguel. It was particularly nice and particularly bullshit free. Now I am looking forward to a promisingly busy weekend. Tomorrow I'm meeting a new trainer at 9 AM, going for a dance class at 12.30 PM, then probably meeting Pascale and Nicolas for a shopping spree at Century 21. The evening is still open but I might use it for creative endeavors, unless I am too tired to do anything but lie in front of the TV. Sunday it's a brunch/party at Chelsea Piers with an almost totally new crowd. Monday I'm taking the day off for a dentists appointment in the morning and an early afternoon train to Stradford, Conn. to meet Don. So, how do you like my webcam? 1:52 PM 0 comments Wednesday, October 06, 2004 Just the highlights Got around to blogging a short account of the days M.A.'s parents were in town. 11:38 PM 0 comments Much better Got myself new shoes. And a new black suit. And a black skirt. And three shirts. And spoke to my niece Jimena in Madrid. And then I got home and installed the other modem and changed the Ethernet cable and voila! Internet connection again. To top it off Joe called from North Carolina. He's separating from Rosa for good. She stayed back in Italy with the kids and he moved back to the U.S. Our lives are following similar paths at the moment. He is happy and serene with his decision. Sounds familiar. He asked when will I go visit him. It's still warm on the island and he rented jet skis just a week ago. I'll look into it first thing tomorrow morning. Don, Joe ... it's like I turned back time! If only my tits would heed the message ... 10:31 PM 0 comments Maybe not that bad OK. So my DSL is down. So yesterday night I spent over an hour on the phone with a very eager tech who was baffled by the problem. So I still have no Internet connection. So my iMac is acting up too and I can't even watch a DVD. So, so, so ... the good part is that Don will be in Connecticut next week, that he says he can't wait to listen to me (I warned him I will talk his ear off) and that his reaction to my telling him all my woes was "That means you need to see me". I am off to Connecticut Monday evening! And as for now I am off for some comfort shopping. I think I really need another pair of unwalkable shoes. 5:33 PM 0 comments Tuesday, October 05, 2004 ![]() 0 comments Monday, October 04, 2004 Hu? Now my site is down too. What the @$%^&*? 5:01 PM 0 comments Sunday, October 03, 2004 A pleasant weekend overall My DSL is down too. I am definitely jinxed. I am now at Nicolas', taking care of my blogging needs. Then we will go to the gym in his building. Yesterday I went to a surprise baby-shower for Pascale at her place. Johanny said the sweetest thing to me. We were in the kitchen, he said we should go out and talk, I said I am not such great company right now and that my conversation tends to be quite monotous. And then he said that whatever is relevant to me is relevant to him and Pascale. I had to hug him. After the party I was supposed to go to another party but the plan got cancelled after several phone calls and I ended up with Johanny and a couple of girls at a bar on the East Village called Lava Gina. Johanny did his Chippendales dancer routine with me and I realized what it's like to be murdered with a stare. Several stares actually, from several girls. One came up to him to chat him up. It's hard to be drop dead gorgeous. I must say I had fun, but around 1 AM I was ready to go home. Today I finally saw Melissa, after a summer of both of us traveling. She has grown so much in such a short time and she was so so pretty I am starting to hate her. Anyways, we went to the movies. We saw Shark Tale and we loved it. The rest of the afternoon was spent with me shopping frantically. It's such a nerve soothing activity. I got myself green and pink Converse sneakers. A must. It was on sale and then I got an extra discount thanks to the guy in line behind me who handed me his coupon. A random and very welcome act of kindness. I seem to be the recipient of plenty of them lately. Yesterday the cab driver was complimenting my perfume in the nicest way. I am enjoying the ride. Tomorrow I'll meet Pascale for a drink after work but right now I gotta hit the gym. By the way, I went back to my dance class on Saturday. Love it. Love it. Love it. 7:46 PM 0 comments |
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