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WebJournal - The blog will set you free News of no interest whatsoever except to very close and patient friends and family members and maybe people with no life |
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![]() Thursday, February 13, 2003 Haven�t packed yet but I did have the manicure and a 10 minutes massage. I bought the digital recorder and a bunch of funny books. I also got Steve Martin�s Pure Drivel (the CD version, so that I can convert it to mp3) and the CD version of Dr. Weil�s Breathing: The Master Key to Self-Healing. 12:43 PM 0 comments Wednesday, February 12, 2003 It's early but I am beat. I only slept 3 hours yesterday so I hope to doze off before midnight tonight so I can get up early and do the gazillion things I am supposed to do, among them get a manicure, buy a digital recorder and pack. And be home by 2 PM just in case Johanny shows up. But before sleeping I have to find whats wrong with my DSL connection. Nighty night. 9:23 PM 0 comments Tony will be in town in November! That's great! I thought he would not do another UPW in this area for a couple of years. I can't miss it. I already filled and sent in the form to crew the event. I will follow up with an e-mail to Alison in a month or so. I am now converting the Get the Edge CDs to mp3 so I can transfer them to my iPod and take them with me on my trip. 12:58 AM 0 comments Tuesday, February 11, 2003 I must be into pain. I am watching Born on the 4th of July. The movie distressed me enough the first time around, so God knows why I am bothering watching it again. Tom Cruise stars in it (he plays Ron Kovic) and Tom Cruise is very close to perfection in my eyes, but seeing him all disheveled and not flashing his winning smile is deeply disturbing to me. He might be too good an actor for me tonight. OK, there's the sex scene now in Mexico, with him weeping. Time to fix myself a salad and sip a nice cold Chardonnay. 10:28 PM 0 comments Confirmed. I am leaving on Thursday evening, arriving to Buenos Aires on Friday morning, Valentine's Day. How appropiate. Johanny just called. His baby is in town (the mother too) and he will swing by on Thursday afternoon so I can meet him. I am sure he is gorgeous. 9:14 PM 0 comments Monday, February 10, 2003 Now that its seems I will be the one traveling, it figures there are no seats available until the middle of next week. In any case I need to have a date confirmed before I really start knocking on doors and begging for a seat. 4:24 PM 0 comments I now have a bona fide sore throat and have passed the PMS to get right into the middle of things. Hence, I am staying home. I do not need to get really sick. Not if I have to travel today or tomorrow and not if JP is coming. Fortunately, I have plenty of leave days left off from last year so I don�t have to worry about that. I am having breakfast with a caffeine free diet Pepsi. I have not had a Pepsi or a Coke in two years except for maybe two or three sips but today I am craving it. 9:40 AM 0 comments Think it works now. Try to get to the other blog . Theorethically you should not be able to read it without a password and user name. Before I hear from you reassuring me that indeed you cannot login I will not start posting anything there. As usual, no work was done today. PMS days are not meant for work. 1:42 AM 0 comments Finally! I managed to create a password protected directory. Now I have to find out how to publish there. 12:22 AM 0 comments Sunday, February 09, 2003 Just found a perfect website for trash-TV addicts: Television Without Pity. I am now going to explore it. 3:54 PM 0 comments It's a magnificent day today, sunny and brisk. I, of course, am nursing a sore throat and I am in the middle of major PMS, so I am staying home and refraining from unleashing my hostile self on poor innocent people. So far I have done nothing worthwhile (by the way, today I heard this great quote from Dr. Phil, something he said to his wife: "I'll make a worthwhile living and you'll make living worthwhile" - I love that guy) except a run to the Amish Market for some salad and salmon. I have also assuaged the PMS monster with some goodies, mainly fruit juice and this Pure De-Lite chocolate bar I bought yesteday and have just barfed down. Abdolutely divine!!!!!! Way better than regular chocolate! I am not sure about its diet value, given that's is almost a 100% fat, but it has no sugar and very few carbs and, what the hell, it tastes great! FTP is still not working. Plan now is to muster enough self-control to turn off the TV, which has been on non-stop for way too long - all night included - and go back to my frighfully good true-crime book, before getting some work done. 3:24 PM 0 comments Saturday, February 08, 2003 I am trying to create a password protected alternative blog but the ftp connection is not working. I sent a message to blogger.com see what solution they come up with. So ... today I spoke with JP like a hundred times and he's very cool with everything. By the way, the posting I deleted are not totally deleted, I will republish them as soon as it's OK to do so. In the meantime I am also writing draft blogs that I will publish as soon as I can. Today I had brunch with Vivienne and Randy and his friend Morgan to Caf� Habana . This Morgan guy (I had assumed he was a girl - for some reason Morgan sounds female to me) was soooo self-centered it was funny. He's an artist (as Randy is) and, I hear, a talented one. The only problem is he talks about one and only one thing: his art. Damn boring. Not a particular friendly guy either. Not very open. Somewhat tense. And certainly not interesting or entertaining. So much for Morgan. After brunch they went to an art gallery and I cabbied up to a hair salon Vivienne had recommended to me. Several days ago I called my own hairdresser but he had no openings and I could not wait. I am happy for him that business is going so well but the problem is that I am prone to hair emergencies and cannot, repeat "cannot", wait more than a couple of days before hurrying to Duane Read at 2 AM to get scissors and hair dye. I was not blown away by today's salon, but the guy did a decent job (I only wanted a very straight short bob) so I am not complaining. I will go back to Oscar though. He's a terrific hairdresser and he has the coolest salon in the East Village with the coolest clientele (but no website to link to!). After having the haircut I got into yet another cab (it was extremely cold and I am cab-addicted) and came home. So fare I have returned Taz call and called JP a few more times. I also ordered in some Chinese food and I am watching rerurns of the Real World that I know by heart, while waiting for an Anna Nicole Show rerun. Tomorrow I will probably stay home most of the day and get some work done. Monday, after work, I am invited to drinks at a colleague's. The invitation took me by surprise because I am only one of two people invited from my service and I don't really know any of the other guests. Not that this will stop me from going. I just channeled surfed a bit and I am now watching an informercial with Sly Stallone's wife ... what's her name? she is gorgeous, gorgeous enough to hate her, but then again, she seems very nice. Jennifer! They just called her Jennifer ... Jennifer what? Flavin! 10:00 PM 0 comments Friday, February 07, 2003 Yikes! I�ve just realized I can't publish that stuff here. I've deleted a few posting. Will update later. 3:01 PM 0 comments Wednesday, February 05, 2003 C'mon! Work!!!!!!! Nope ... I'll keep trying in the morning. I would appreciate it if somebody tried to subscribe, just to make sure it does not work. Thanks. 11:18 PM 0 comments Well, forget it, it does not seem to be working. Any hints are welcome. 9:52 PM 0 comments OK, my blog has now an official newsgroup. The address is: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/theblogwillsetUfree/ and you can subscribe to by sending an e-mail to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/theblogwillsetUfree/ 9:47 PM 0 comments I am totally addicted to trash TV. I have to see it all, so tonight I started with the Real World, a favorite of mine since the very first season a gazillion years ago, then the Osbournes and now one of these dating shows. In today's episode the gentleman farted all through the date. Very classy. 12:32 AM 0 comments Tuesday, February 04, 2003 I'm outta here man. I'll go get lots of salads to balance out all the chocolate and then head home to play with my iMac (aka Rory). I am thinking of revamping the look of this blog and I need to start thinking about my cd business card. 6:31 PM 0 comments Party on! Today has been a succession of cakes and chocolate candies, and people over at my office. Not bad. I am now into my 5th straight day of festivities. I wonder if they would consider making my birthday a national holiday ... 6:10 PM 0 comments Monday, February 03, 2003 JP is on his way to the airport now. Bummer. So ... let's start with the party on Friday. I was lucky to leave the office just a little before 10 PM, in time to get home to change and get to Opal by 10.30 PM. Plenty of people showed up. Mario came with me. Debra was already at Opal's when we got there. Then Chema and his friend Fabian. Then Eloisa, Chino and his friend whose name I can't remember. Emilio and his friend Mario. Maria. Raul. Maite and Frank. Elena. Vivienne and Randy (though they left almost immediately). Maria Esther (she's pregnant and there was way too much smoke). Miguel. Miguel Angel. Bob. Monica. Nero and Riccardo. Then there were some no shows, like Luis and Loreto. Dessy had a short "nap" and woke up at midnight. In any case, I had a blast, and so did everybody else. I got lots of very nice little presents. Not one I did not like a lot. The only problem is I don't know who gave me what, so I'll have to write a general thank-you e-note for everybody. I had about 6 or 7 apple martinis and danced non stop for who-knows-how-long. At a certain point Debra said there was somebody who wanted to dance with me and handed me over to my dream man. Big hard muscled hot suave black guy. I danced with him for quite a long and happy while, steadfastly refusing to tell him how old I was turning. He tried the old line of "You can't be a day over 32" but I kept mum. I got to dance face to face and, blissfully, he did grab my hips and turn me around for some good ol' bootie dance. Before I got too worked up I unglued myself from him and went back to dancing with my friends. After Opal we tried to get to Mica Bar but it was closed, so we went to Nessa. Needless to say, I stopped drinking after Opal and stuck to water. By then it was Debra, a very nice kid she met at Opal, Maria, Mario, Miguel, Miguel Angel, Emilio (who very nicely dashed home to drop my presents with the doorman), the other Mario and I. Emilio and the Marios were the firsts to leave, then it was Debra, I think, then Maria, followed by Miguel. As usual, M.A. and I closed the place down. He asked what was still open in the neighborhood but nothing was and we certainly did not want to go downtown so he walked me home at 4.30 AM or so. At 7.30 AM JP rang the door. Actually he might have been ringing for a while but I was fast asleep. We were supposed to have lunch with Melissa but her phone was always busy and when I managed to get through nobody answered. It was already past 1.20 PM and we were starving. We had lunch at Ruby Foo in Times Square and then strolled home and stayed home. Oh, on Saturday Haizam called from Barcelona - I was really touched. Neither my brother nor my sister called *(in all fairness, she did send me a text message this morning from work). Sunday JP and I met Raul and his wife for brunch at Calle Ocho and then walked all the way to the Plaza for tea. In the evening JP and I went out for a huge salad and a little pasta with olive oil only and then back home for some limoncello (courtesy of Miguel and M.A.). Today, Monday, I took a day off to spend it with JP. We got up late and had a lunch at a place near home. We then did our CompUSA compulsory stop and bought up a storm. I got him a film scanner for his birthday and we both bought cd business cards. I now have to come up with a 50 MB dazzling presentation (probably Flash). Shit! It's 9.45 PM and JP has not called from the airport. He is probably boarding now. I hate it when he is flying around. I don't feel good until he lands safely again. I take it so far that I won't watch the news until I talk to him again. Yes, I am aware of how ridiculous it sounds (it reads). Now JP is not here, and M.A. went back home too. Double bummer. Francia should be coming in a couple of weeks though, and Pilar should be here in April. Johanny read my mind tonight and called me a few minutes ago to see if we can get back to a training routine. I told him about the "Power of 10" book and he had heard about it, obviously. I will lend it to him. It might just work. We will probably start on Wednesday morning, which will give me time to take classes in the evening. JP is definitely on board now. A little limoncello is just what I need ... A little embarrassing side fact: the Lucas twins on My Life is a Sitcom are Tony Robbins' "followers". They show off their power moves, they drink the green drink, etc. And they are painfully loud! I was just editing this post and came to realize that my life reads as a succession of bar and restaurant outings. I am getting a kick out of all this shallowness. 9:57 PM 0 comments Saturday, February 01, 2003 I am back! JP should be here in less than 3 hours. Let me get some sleep! Details tomorrow! 4:20 AM 0 comments |
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