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WebJournal - The blog will set you free News of no interest whatsoever except to very close and patient friends and family members and maybe people with no life |
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![]() Thursday, October 06, 2005 THE DEMISE OF THE BLOG ![]() It was fun while it lasted, but it's not fun anymore. It's over kids. Close friends and family members, I will keep you posted. People with no life, go get one of your own. As for me, I am going back to paper. I might scan and upload my journal, password protect it or send pdf copies as a newsletter. I might turn to vblogging. Then again, I might just shut up. 11:08 PM 44 comments Easy for him The hunk just fed me chocolate cake for breakfast. Now I'll have to fast the rest of the month. Yeah, right. Very promising week ahead Next week Alessandra, Adriana's friend whom I missed the first she was here, is coming to town again. She's offered me tickets to both the Conan O'Brien and Letterman shows, but they are taped in the afternoon so I don't think I can make it. She has also snail mailed me a ticket to the U2 concert next week. Don on the other has promised to be "in party mode" all next weekend and has a ticket for the Queen concert on Sunday. He should be coming with his friend on Saturday afternoon. I don't see much sleep coming my way. 8:43 AM 0 comments Wednesday, October 05, 2005 Nice to have around The hunk is very sweet, a very welcome addition to the household. He told me the first day that he’s very easy to live with and he is indeed. Also, he bought an iBook yesterday which means I had a brand new baby to play with in the evening. It’s his first Mac, so I had the pleasure to teach him the basics. I now have to install a few programs for him. The hunk is also no idiot and he has been working the town like he owns it. He’s running from a casting to a client’s appointment all day long and he’s figuring everything out really fast. All this plus a quick sense of humour. Do you hear me complain? Oh, and he loves kids. And he’s faithful to his girlfriend. Which proves being hot does not automatically translate into being an ass or retarded. Therapeutic dance night This Friday Marc and I might resume our dance-till-U-drop nights out. It’s a good thing as I have been known to dance alone in the house like a madwoman recently. 4:13 PM 0 comments Monday, October 03, 2005 Lusting after the bad boy I was never one to fall for the bad boy. I used to like them clean cut. But in my old age I am slowly but clearly leaning towards less mainstream types. Even so, I can´t believe I am actually attracted to Danny Bonaduce. Danny Bonaduce, for Chrissake!!!!! I saw one episode of his reality show and I was hooked. This morning, before 6 AM, I was watching two other episodes and wondering how can I like such a raw wreck. The man is a mess. He drinks whole bottles of vodka, injects himself steroids, goes into wild rages, sobs uncontrollably. A complete descent into a major mental meltdown and yet ... there is something about him that is so damn masculine, so damn charming, I am glued to the TV. OK, that and the washboard abs. By the way, the hunk is here. Cute. Very cute. Very so much not my type. But he is very sweet. 10:58 AM 0 comments Sunday, October 02, 2005 News from oveseas While enjoying several mojitos for breakfast with Nicolas, Monica SMSessed. Seems I am invited to a 3 day party at Checco's parent's castel outside Rome at the beginning of January. Seems my friend Paola left her husband for the second time, and the sister of another friend did the same. I will know all the details by tomorrow at 8 AM, when Monica calls to update me. In the meantime, at Nicolas' urging, I am cheking out Yahoo's personals... 4:52 PM 0 comments Third one and counting 2:37 PM0 comments A former mojito 2:32 PM0 comments A personal sleep pattern It's something I've done since I was a teenager. I sleep very little for days in a row, then I pass out. I still remember being a child and staying awake way past my bedtime, reading under the blanket with a flashlight. In high-school, while dating my soon-to-be-ex it was not uncommon to come home in the early hours, shower and go to school. In college I would work at a full-time job, go to evening classes, go out after classes and even find plenty of time for exercise/dance classes. I remember that a group of hard-core wanna be dancers would meet for late night classes during the week, and Saturday mornings too. So nothing much has changed. This past week I was at the gym between before 7 AM, sometimes at 6 AM, every morning, and never asleep before at least 1 AM, so on Friday I got home from work at 6 PM and promptly lost consciousness. I vaguely remember Annie calling me in the evening, but I fell asleep right back until 6.30 AM on Saturday. And then I never really got out of bed. Sure I got up, took a nice long bath, came back to bed, got up, went to get food, cooked, eat, went back to bed, got up, went for a massage, came back, went back to bed. Needless to say, I could run a marathon today! 9:52 AM 0 comments |
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