WebJournal - The blog will set you free News of no interest whatsoever except to very close and patient friends and family members and maybe people with no life |
Friday, March 11, 2005 On a roll After lots of back and forth e-mailing I decided we needed something more practical, so I spent quite a bit of time creating a web site for the high-school reunion. Then a forum. Then a photo album. It's not yet what I want, but I think it would do for the moment. Clawing my allergies I am getting to the point when I might consider seeing a dermatologist. This itching is driving me crazy and when I scratch I get huge bumps. Sometimes I get them without scratching. When it gets really bad, I take pictures, on the assumption that one day I will show them to a doctor. But don't worry, I am not about to upload them here. I just wish I could sleep because tomorrow it's "therapeutic dancing" night and Marc and I are hitting at least a couple of clubs. 2:29 AM
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