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Thursday, January 13, 2005 The continuation of the species My sister is pregnant. Just 5 weeks pregnant, but pregnant. This after one or two unsuccesful in vitro procedures and having been told it was impossible. She is happy and scared. My mother woke me up at 5.45 AM to give me the news. She asked me if I was sitting down. I wanted to bark back that I was laying down, not to mention asleep but I somehow managed to control myself. So now lets now cross our fingers and hope for the best. Shaping up the story Today after work Chema, Carmen, Monica and I had a quick drink at a new pub (new to us - it's been there forever). We might have invented a new genre: veggie porn. One of the ideas for our short animation is an orgy of veggies in my fridge. Another is a suicidal eggplant jumping into the blender. My electronic dog turning to the bottle while I am away. The liberation of the foodstuff in my fridge. Then there's my very non politically correct idea: a tsnunami in my bathtub drowning all my teddy bears. We decided against it because its probable unpopularity. It is very sad, but here I am, compromising my vision from the very beginning. Saturday we shoot the movie, Sunday we start writing our Oscars acceptance speeches. Shaky grounds Everything seems a little unreal. The worst of separating from a lifelong mate, apart from the feeling of failure, is that you have to redefine yourself. I was used to being part of a team, it had been like that most of my life and I thought it was going to stay that way forever or till death did us part. And death was actually a very real possibility. Much more real than separation. So in a way I was better prepared to be a widow than a free woman. We were very independant from each other - too much, clearly - but still very much a unit. I had no concept of life on my own. Suddenly I don't have a best friend on my side anymore. Nothing comparable to that sense of intimacy. No confidant. Nobody to take care of. It sucks. But, mostly, it’s a waste of love. The UN building in the fog, shot today from across 1st. Ave. 1:01 AM
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