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Wednesday, January 26, 2005 Gotta start the day My mother called a few minutes ago to tell me about my sister, which I already knew. It is a terrible thing but every time I hear her voice quivering and some compassion is called for, i just feel like slapping her. She has an uncanny ability to unnerve me. Or rather I have an uncanny ability to let her unnerve me. I uploaded more pictures from our day in the Park. Briefly: JP called me yesterday. His take on the situation: I've lost my mind. The man has insight. Yesterday was Cecilia's birthday and after Derek's class I went to her place for dinner. She asked what's up with my birthday but I am in no mood to celebrate shit. Thankfully it's a Tuesday and Derek will be my savior. Just in case, here's my wish list. Today is happy hour with a whole bunch of perfect strangers and then dinner at Fabian's, whom I met yesterday on my way to the gym. And now I have to somehow get out of bed. 7:40 AM
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