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WebJournal - The blog will set you free News of no interest whatsoever except to very close and patient friends and family members and maybe people with no life |
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![]() Sunday, November 14, 2004 Decent weekend so far I don't seem to be in the mood for parties. I sure hope it will pass. The one at Nero's was OK. Friday I spent the whole day indoors and most of it in bed given the lousy weather outside but eventually I snapped out of it and braved the trip to Queens with Nicolas and Mario. The party was in full swing, lots of the usual people, plenty of those who never get invited and never invite us. The mojitos were good but I was even better and only had one before switching to a couple of glasses of red wine. Food was excellent. I mingled a little, did not have much of a conversation with anybody and just danced and danced, and then changed my high-heeled boots back to the lousy-weather footwear I had come in with, and went on dancing. By 11.30 PM I was ready to go, and so were Nicolas and Mario. I am now acting on a promise to myself of not staying anywhere any longer than necessary. I stay inasmuch as I am having fun. As soon as I start wondering what else I could be doing, I am out of there. I also had an appointment with the trainer in the morning and I knew I couldn't possibly "explode through the wall" or whatever I am supposed to do if I had a hangover. In a way I was sorry for Nero because he truly was disappointed by my leaving so early, but it was nothing personal. I am learning from Elena, a master of the disappearing act, and Nicolas, a master of the Plan B strategy. So I was home early enough and I was awake at 5 AM on Saturday. Went to the gym and after lunch I picked up Melissa to take her to the movies. We saw Saw and we both enjoyed it tremendously. Not really that scary, completely senseless and some of the acting was appallingly bad, but it was gory enough. We then hanged around SoHo for a while, I got to check out some stuff at Dean & DeLuca, making mental notes for X-mas presents. I had half a plan with Debra in the evening but it was too cold to consider it, although I did walk home from downtown, chatting on the phone with Pilar most of the way. Melissa is doing just great. For a while I was worried. Her brother's 13-years-old girlfriend has just had a baby and she is not sure who the father is. Not the best of environments. But Melissa herself is refusing to date boys she has crushes on because she want to focus on school, not boys. I am not sure how long she will keep this attitude. Hormones are hormones after all, but so far all her friends have boyfriends and she plays mommy, telling them not to make out at the movies. Today, Sunday, I woke up very early again, spent a lot of time researching presents on the Net, then some time on the SipPhone with my brother and sister-in-law (I installed Asterisk buy have yet to configure it) and I am now ready to start some polymer X-mas projects, before meeting Debra for some Zydeco music and dance. 1:30 PM
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