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Tuesday, August 24, 2004 Quiet Monday Quick dinner. No gazpacho. Got to watch Growing up Gotti. Then, when I was busy blogging about my non busy evening, my iBook started acting up and died. Major panic attack but after frantic tests it looks like it might be OK again. Obviously, I am now in a backing-up frenzy. Change of plans ... again M.A. does have a right to days off after all so we are now considering taking off the whole week after Labour Day and, depending on whether we can change or not our tickets, either go from Laguna to Baja California or fly back to NY and then go to Puerto Rico. But don’t hold your breath. The week looks good This evening it’s Derek’s class. Tomorrow we are having dinner at Fabian's and we are providing the cocktails. Thursday it's drinks/dinner with Annie, who is leaving for Duke University on Saturday. Friday we have a cooking lesson with Daniel. Saturday I can't remember but I am sure there must be something planned. 10:44 AM
Hey there, can you help me? I'm trying to contact other people with similar interests to myself, e.g. cookery & in particular, jamaican cooking. Do you know of anyone who has used this site (jamaican cooking)?
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