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Sunday, June 13, 2004 Quiet days Thursday I babysat for Cecilia, Friday I was there for Nina's 4th birthday, then yesterday I got some adult company. Having read my previous blog entry, Nicolas called to see if I wanted to grab something to eat and catch a movie with him and Daniel. It was a beautiful day and I was relieved to get out of the house. We took a long walk to the Park, saw raining men, as in a guy who fell off a tree branch and on a huge rock by the Diary exactly when I was watching (he seemed to be fine on landing, although he did not get up and was taken off by ambulance) and through it to the Lowe's cinemas on the UWS. Nicolas and Daniel We saw Stepford wiwes. I am a big fan of the original version so I wasn't too excited about the remake. And I was right. This version is quite silly, though I did laugh a couple of times. The new ending is preposterous. The best part of watching the movie is taking notice of Nicole Kidman's deterioration. Her face is unlined, clearly botoexed, but her eyes are getting more and more slanted and she's starting to resemble Jack Nicholson. Check out the wrinkly neck. She's filming at the U.N. now. Every weekend dozens of trucks are parked all around the compound, up to my building's door. A couple of coworkers have found their way into the set, working as extras. I could not be bothered. It's slave work. Of course, if Tom Cruise had been around I might have been willing to get up in the middle of the night and be sequestered for 16 hours plus without pay. Here's Nicole at the U.N. party. Trashy taste going international Italian TV is notoriously bad. RAI is notoriously bad among Italian TV channels. So there I was, watching an unspeakable program, Sposami, where poor guys and gals are ambushed by their significant others and made to marry them. Between this and all the bachelor, bachelorettes show here one has to wonder what the hell is going on. All this ridiculous romanticism, the you-are-my-soul-mate bullshit. Do people really believe this? No wonder they divorce so quickly. But, never one to shy from a contradiction, I have every intention of seeing The Notebook and bringing with me a couple of jumbo boxes of tissues. 9:28 PM
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