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Saturday, November 29, 2003 Friday five, here I go: 1. Do you like to shop? Why or why not? I like impulsive shopping. I hate hours at the mall or shopping for something in particular. 2. What was the last thing you purchased? Not counting food, drinks and toiletries, a battery charger for my iBook. 3. Do you prefer shopping online or at an actual store? Why? Online. Less of a hassle, nobody around to bother me and I can get overnight delivery for about the same amount it would cost me to take a cab to the store and back. 4. Did you get an allowance as a child? How much was it? Yes I did. I am not sure about the amount, but it might have been 100 French francs. It was not much but then my mother never had a clue. 5. What was the last thing you regret purchasing? I never really regret buying anything, in spite of the fact tha I have been known to buy the same outfit twice or the same lipstick five times or a sweater two sizes too small. If I got a kick out of the process, that's all I am after. 12:58 AM
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