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Friday, September 05, 2003 Has a drink at a local pub and dinner at Josie's with Nicolas. I really like the guy. Of course, I also happen to know he reads my blog. :) No, really, I do like him. We left the pub when the football game started. We were at the bar, just beneath the giant screen, surrounded by screaming guys. It was time to leave and have dinner. Before going to the pub we stopped at the YMCA and I joined again. Now I am officially a member of the YMCA, the NYSC and Crunch. I really have to get rid of the NYSC membership. I will keep Crunch's though because they have the coolest classes. And the Y is just too convenient a deal to let it pass by. I got the sweetest e-mail message from Don today. This is a guy I had the briefest fling with 16 years ago, while I was living in Milan, Italy and he was stationed at an Air Force base in Desenzano del Garda. It was short and intense, at least on my side. I reconnected with him a few years ago, just before coming to NYC. And have been in touch with him ever since. He is now married and has the most beautiful baby girl. He is also the nicest and friendliest guy ever. Oh, and very easy on the eyes too. Yesterday I sent him an e-mail telling him I was a little bummed out and telling him how amazing it is how some people just creep into your life almost imperceptibly and then wham! you suddenly realize they are an important part of it. He wrote back saying I am one of those people to him and that he recalls the time we spent together as one of the best times he had in Europe. Just what I needed. I might go visit him in Wisconsin at the end of the month. I'd really like to meet his wife, she seems so cool ... 12:11 AM
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