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Wednesday, August 06, 2003 Yesterday at the gym there was this guy on the treadmill with the worst varicose veins I've ever seen. They covered the whole length of both his legs. He was wearing shorts. I remember feeling something close to admiration for his unselfconsciousness. This morning he was there again, a few treadmills from mine. Johanny told me he used to be around 400 pounds, which would explain his legs. He is now quite trim and seems to be in great shape. Way to go. Johanny was telling me also about a new client, also in the almost 400sh pounds range who he met yesterday. We were talking about how intimidating a gym can be for somebody that big. How the whole concept of a gym as a place to work out can get lost in the idea of a gym as a place to strut your stuff. Fortunately I've been around health clubs so long I am not intimidated at all, but then again I know that no matter what I look like I can outperform quite a few of the people around me and that gives me confidence. Once, in Montevideo, I went for an advanced aerobic class only to be told by another client that the class was probably going to be too advanced for me. It was with a sense of deep satisfaction that I jumped and danced him into a whole. But what if I had not been up to it? What kind of welcome was that? What a jerk! In all honesty I must say I never got that kind of crap from an instructor. Most, just like Johanny, really like their jobs and know what it is all about. Tonight I decided to stay home, in spite of the fact that the clique is out having fun. I really want to stay off the booze for a couple of weeks, and the combination of no booze plus probably no decent food plus probably no dancing was enough to keep me home. I almost went to a funk class over at Crunch instead but the headache I have had since this morning would not have benefitted from the pounding. So I just stayed home. Did nothing of the things I should have done (pay bills, for instance), of course. Well, Arnie is on for Governor of California. He will be on Jay Leno in a couple of minutes. 11:09 PM
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