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Sunday, June 15, 2003 There! I stayed home today. And I am bored out of my mind. I went our for maybe a couple of hours to get to the hairdresser (new hairdresser - hated the place, loved the haircut) and get my umbrella stolen by a trio of silly sixteen years old in the process. That's all the action I had today. I am ready to jump out of the window. The less you do the less you want to do, so I did not even bother doing the stuff I should be doing, like writing a couple of papers for work and a short essay for Julie. Also, the house feels so empty now that Virginia and Sergio are gone. Generally, I like to have guests over, but some guests are more enjoyable than others. They were very enjoyable. Friendly, fun, good mannered, and useful too. He did a lot of little repair jobs around the house AND he installed my wireless network. Thankfully I am taking Melissa out tomorrow afternoon and I am going to Pascale and Johanny's party in the evening. I just added HBO to my digital cable service and HBO on demand. I shall now proceed to have a Sex and the City all-night fest! 12:38 AM
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