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Monday, January 13, 2003 A heartwarming story: last August I got in touch with somebody on Tony Robbin's boards about getting a copy of Tony's appearances on QVC and other shows (I very much enjoy the personal stories shared by the callers and I like to see Tony reacting to different situations live). I sent him money through paypal to pay for the blank tapes and basically never heard from the guy again, except for one mail with a lame excuse. I decided it was not something worth getting upset over, so I just sent him the following message : "How disappointing. I guess I will never see my money nor the tapes. I just assumed somebody on Tony's board would have higher standards. Enjoy the 30 bucks." . Well, lo and behold, I get home today, almost half a year later, and the doorman hands me this unexpected package. I started opening it and as soon as I saw the first tape I had a wonderful rush. What a way to start the year and what a way to restore faith in my fellow men! Yeah, baby! 10:40 PM
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