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Sunday, November 24, 2002 Tonight it was a low key Mexican dinner at Chevy�s on 42nd St. and 8th Av. followed by the Django Reinhardt festival at the Birdland. I went there totally unaware that most performers were French. Well, as anybody who has spent more than five minutes with me knows, France, anything French (except people from Toulouse), cucumbers and internal organs as food are way up there on the list of things I strongly dislike. I hate French food (way too heavy), French men (no lips, greasy hair and strong B.O.), French movies (ugly people, no action, endless senseless dialogue), French music (non existent), French intellectuals (pretentious wanna bes), French culture (sooooo last year or, more like it, last century). So it was to my utter dismay that I found out tonight, after waiting half an hour freezing in line in the cold NY weather, that most musicians had being flown directly from that snotty land. I somehow managed not to gag and enjoy the show. Jazz is not my thing but this Django style is lively and happy. The musicians had the most horrible fashion sense ever (white suits, red suits, silly hats, impossible shirts, black leather outfits) and the famous Paquito D�Rivera seemed like the kind of person I would gladly strangle given half a chance, but they sure could play. Guess I�ve been in better moods. 2:26 AM
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